24 September 2005

what's wrong with this picture?

# 1

It's Friday night. The guys are hanging out. Pizza is ordered. We're kicking back and relaxing. Drinking some lite cranberry juice. And watching dvd's.



Sarah McLachlan.

Yes, we watched just about the entire dvd of Sarah McLachlan, Afterglow Live. (It's actually quite good.) Geez. What am I? A 40 year old housewife? Shit.

But no, we put on another dvd just before Blackbird (I was not impressed).

The second dvd was quite a bit more....um...manly..

Cirque du Soleil, Alegria.

But you've got to see the contortionist. That stuff is just unreal. I was in pain watching that woman. I mean, she doesn't need a boyfriend or a girlfriend! She could likely impregnate herself.

# 2

A great place to find a mate would be a pregnancy crisis home or centre. Think about it! There are no men in their lives...now. I could be the one!

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