20 September 2005

never drink cream that expired today when you've been gone for four days

Having been away, then returning home, being so tired that I simply showered and then collapsed into bed to pass out, then getting up this morning for work and making the usual coffee after adding cream that expires today and watching the cream globs float to the top, I reach for a spoon to fish them out and dump them down the sink, finishing with the coffee being dumped down my throat and finding myself several hours later with a funny feeling in my stomach akin to pain causes me to pause and ponder: should I have drank that coffee with that slightly bad cream or should I have dumped it out and gone to Tim's?

1 comment:

Mark Andrew said...

when i used to work in the banqueting department at the hotel, I'd drink the cream that was on the tables at the end of the night. It really grossed some co-workers out.