06 January 2006

they say that _______ is a battleground

Ontario the "battleground".


There is no battleground. The voters are merely stupid.

stupid |ˈst(y)oōpid|
adjective ( -pider, -pidest)
  • lacking intelligence or common sense : Ontarians were stupid enough to vote Liberal in the last election.

  • dazed and unable to think clearly : Martin and the Liberal propaganda campaign was numbing her brain and making her stupid.

  • informal, used to express exasperation or boredom : she told him to stop voting for his stupid Liberal incumbent.

noun informal
  • a stupid person (often used as a term of address) : you're not voting Liberal, stupid!.

All Canadians must pray to God, Allah, Bhudda, or Oprah!!
Pray for peace, love, understanding!
Pray against another Liberal government!!

The devil has a name: Paul Martin.

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