30 January 2006

most of this country would happily boil their grandmothers for glue in exchange for another gold medal

Olympic hockey that is.

That post title is not mine. It belongs to Jonathan Gatehouse of Macleans.

That article is all about Bertuzzi. Again. Seriously, I'm weary of hearing yet another article praising or slamming Bertuzzi. And this is the only reason why: Heatley.

Perhaps if Bertuzzi had been out drunk joyriding and slammed the car into a tree while driving at least three times the speed limit, then no one would care that he killed someone.

Bertuzzi punched a guy in the fair play of a violent game. Moore is a pussy. He should shut his whiny little trap and suck it up. That's hockey.

Heatley should be in prison. He killed another person. He killed his friend. All because he was out stunting in his car.

Now what really does confuse me here is this: if a person takes a gun and shoots someone, it's called murder. But if the thing doing the killing is not a bullet projected from a gun, but rather a car, then if there is even a charge, it's at most manslaughter, which isn't even really killing someone. And you'll likely not get any punishment at all, aside from another lucrative NHL contract.

But what infuriates me is this two or three tiered system of celebrity justice.

Gatehouse makes a good point to mention that the Rocket, Messier, and Clarke were are far more "violent" on and off the ice than Bertuzzi has been, or probably will be.

No one was rioting in Vancouver when Bertuzzi was suspended.

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