27 October 2005


According to the headline of this CBC article, Camrose is a "small Alberta town".


Who did the fact checking on that?

According to Statistics Canada, Camrose is a city, with a population of 14 854 in 2001; an 8.2 % growth from the 1996 census.

This is yet another gross injustice of the lack of attention anyone in the east, nay Ontario, nay Toronto, pays to anything north of St. Clair as having any value.

Looking and seeing. Looking is active and willful, it involves something volitional. Choice. Seeing is inactive and only occurs because one's eyes are open; the images which the brain receives and processes are not there due to choice.

Last night, at the Y, after playing squash, Jeremy and I hit the locker room.

  1. fat man standing at sink meticulously hiding his bald spot with a comb over of horrific qualities; why not graft some of the carpet from your ape-like back to the top of your head?

  2. two men in the hot tub, one old, fat and hairy, standing in the water; the other man, younger and trimmer than the first, "lounging" on the side with a foot dangling in the water, lying on side, leaning on shoulder, knee bent up, exposing genitalia to the room, in what I thought could be nothing other than some type of pornographic pose; this one made eye contact with me: locked in a gaze!

Yes, I merely saw these things. And yes, I did NOT go into the hot tub. And yes, I left the shower room as quickly as possible. Jeremy too thought that whole hot tub thing was just a bit too creepy.

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