The headline read:
"Opposition to Pope's comments grows in Muslim world"
The papacy is well known for condemning just about anything and nearly everything. So I was not to thrilled about this latest Vatican-style fatwah.
But then I read the article.
The Pope made no condemnation of anyone. He was merely quoting a Byzantine Emperor whose message was that spreading faith by the sword is wrong.
It was a portion of a greater message that suggested that violence to promote any religion or belief is wrong.
And now Muslims are rioting, again, and demanding apologies, again.
I'm weary of this Islamic nonsense.
Why is it acceptable for them to have freedom of speech, but no one else?
Why is it acceptable for them to promote and participate in violence, but no one else?
Why is it that they think they are right and all others are wrong?
Why is it that no one may question Islamic ideology, but they can question and destroy anything which is not Islam?
I have far too many questions. But that longer that these ignorant tirades continue sparking up over NOTHING, the less I am able to tolerate and respect the freedom which I extend to them to practice whatever they want. (Which is the same I expect in return.)
Violence is always wrong.
Unless reason is absent.
Then by all means use violence to enable the establishment of reason, either through conversion or eradication.