05 February 2006

if anyone limits freedom of speech, then it is no longer free

I finally found it!

Be offended. With free speech, it is a person's right to be offended.

But in no way is it ever acceptable that your offense be turned into physical violence.

That photo above, though not particularly funny, is really nothing compared to these:

Freedom of speech ≠ freedom of violence.

I realise that the unwarranted outlash from Muslims and Islamic dictatorship states (both of which typically contain suppressed and oppressed people), is not entirely contained to the arab-Muslim population of Israel (I do not recognise palestine as a "state"). But what seems strange to me is this: the violent actions seem to be entirely contained within the arab-Muslim population of Israel. Gaza and the west bank are nothing more than welfare zones, relying upon the good will of "the west". If not for "the west" there would be no "palestine", because Israel would have cleaned house by now.

By defacing property of the EU, by threatening kidnappings, by strutting around for the media carrying guns and rocket launchers with the intent to use them, by being a bunch of fucking pigs, you completely lose any credibility you may have had.

And this, on the heels of the Hamas vs. Fatah political whatever. Geez, you don't even have your own country, and you've already started a civil war!! What are you doing?

I think your ski masks and head coverings are missing the pointy tops.

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